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1234 Divi St.
San Francisco, CA 93142

Talk to a member of our team! We can give you a demo, answer questions, take your feedback, or show you just how powerful Artifact Check can be for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

How long does a fact check take?

It depends on how long the content is. A statement will be the fastest and will typically take under a minute. On the other hand, a lengthy YouTube transcription will take a little longer, but is aligned with other transcription services.

How do you check the facts?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis libero ut turpis placerat, id eleifend arcu dignissim. Suspendisse pellentesque eleifend ex ac pretium. Aliquam sit amet eros bibendum, luctus nisl id, hendrerit eros.

Can it be an AI grading tool for teachers?

Our grading tool for teachers is upcoming! We are currently deep in our iteration process, interviewing teachers on how we can best tailor Artifact Check to their needs. Contact [email protected] for more details or feedback.

How do I know if a source is credible?

We base our sources and citations similar to Google Scholar. It focuses on established, highly reputable sources like scholarly literature, white papers, and peer reviewed articles and books. As we present our resources and justifications, feel free to send us any feedback at [email protected]

What is your scoring system?

We use a numeric scoring system of 0 to 100 with maturity scaling systems of different break points to identify thresholds that the user can easily understand at a glance.

How do I subscribe?

Click here 😉

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