We Dig Deep for
The Truth

Ditch the guesswork and the worry. Meet Artifact Check, your new AI-powered sidekick for unbiased, smarter fact-checking.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus"

– Robert Henry

It was cool. I was wondering if my prompt questions would throw it off since I'm referring to a hypothetical situation but it handled it well.

– Anonymous Student

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat.

– Robert Henry

The methodology that sets us apart.

The Artifact Check team is stacked with expertise in behavioral science, data analysis, and cybersecurity; this expertise shaped the unique methodology behind our robust, reliable platform for accurate and secure content verification.


We verify your input against reputable, scholary sources, prioritizing well-cited and academic materials, while filtering out unreliable websites and non-secure sites to ensure trustworthiness.


We look at the consistency of your argument within your content as well as how it agrees with multiple repuatable sources. We’ll flag any contradictions or varying viewpoints.


The sum of all the other parts, the most black and white of all our outputs, is the content accurate or not?


This score determines whether all relevant perspectives and contexts are covered in your content, identifying any gaps that could undermine a well-rounded understanding of the topic.


Maybe the most fun. We analyze public opinion trends from social media and web sources, weighing in the presence of bias, sarcasm, and polarizing views to guage how widely accepted (or not) the claim is.

Our Specialties






How It Works


STEP 1: Input Your Content

Type your statement into the search field or upload it.


STEP 2: Get Your Report

Not only will you know if your content is true or not, but you’ll also be given the correction and scores related to: source, consistency, accuracy, completeness, and public sentiment.

STEP 3: Go Forth & Conquer

You can now publish your content confidently, with all the sources and information you could need.

Put out content you can be confident in.

Let’s dive into how Artifact Check can help you.

Content Marketing + Social Media

Publish Fearlessly, Sleep Soundly.

We know that one slip-up — a wrong fact, a misquote — can shake a client’s and an audience’s trust in a heartbeat. And with everything riding on that trust, you can’t afford to get it wrong.

With Artifact Check you can:
-Validate future content before publishing for added peace of mind
-Craft fresh content that’s as sharp as it is accurate
-Revisit past content to see how it measures up over time

Artifact Check helps content creators and content marketers put out content faster and more accurately. Less worrying, more winning.

Professional Writers + Journalists

Put Content into the World Confidently

More than ever, we need reliable reporting. Get ready to say goodbye to doubts with some invaluable capabilities Artifact Check can offer you.

With Artifact Check you can:
-Verify facts from multiple sources and discover new, credible references
-Validate content before it hits the page, boosting credibility
-Craft fresh content that’s as engaging as it is accurate

Artifact Check helps empower journalists and professional writers to publish faster and with increased accuracy and confidence.

Daily Fact-Checking

Settle Debates Once and For All

Whether you’re in a barbershop showdown about Superman vs. Batman or untangling the “facts” in the latest social media spat, we’ve got you.

When Google is inconclusive, it’s hard to know where to turn.

When relationships (or what’s left of our sanity) are on the line, we decided we needed something better.

So next time you’re caught in a heated debate or yelling, “Did George R.R. Martin really end it like that?!” we’ve got your back.


Hold on just a second.  

That orange button’s calling our names, let’s hit it.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus"

– Robert Henry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat.

– Robert Henry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a purus at dui egestas scelerisque. Donec at magna cursus, feugiat quam sed, scelerisque risus. Morbi vitae ex ut augue consectetur feugiat.

– Robert Henry

Our Story

It all started with Matt and his wife—a woman that is always a gold mine of random wonderful facts. One night, she pulled a bag of rice from the freezer. Matt blinked twice. “Why is there rice in our freezer?” he asked. Without missing a beat, she said, “It kills bacteria.”

Matt, naturally skeptical, went to Google, like any of us would. Five searches later? Nada. Inconclusive. He turned to ChatGPT, iterated a bit, still unsure. And that’s when it clicked. What if there was a framework that made it easy—no, automatic—to check random bits of info like freezer rice and see if they’re real or just nonsense?

He fired off a text to Chris: “Hey man, could we build something to fact-check this stuff?” Chris’s response? “Hold up… yes.”

Soon after, Brittany and Omar Aburizeck joined the fold, rounding out the Avengers squad. Brittany’s a wizard at creative content strategy, and Omar? A genius with website design and development. With the team locked and loaded, they had all the pieces.

Fueled by what felt like pure rocket fuel and plenty of excitement-driven late nights, Artifact Check was born.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

How long does a fact check take?

It depends on how long the content is. A statement will be the fastest and will typically take under a minute. On the other hand, a lengthy YouTube transcription will take a little longer, but is aligned with other transcription services.

Can it be an AI grading tool for teachers?

Our grading tool for teachers is upcoming! We are currently deep in our iteration process, interviewing teachers on how we can best tailor Artifact Check to their needs. Contact [email protected] for more details or feedback.

How do I know if a source is credible?

We base our sources and citations similar to Google Scholar. It focuses on established, highly reputable sources like scholarly literature, white papers, and peer reviewed articles and books. As we present our resources and justifications, feel free to send us any feedback at [email protected]

What is your scoring system?

We use a numeric scoring system of 0 to 100 with maturity scaling systems of different break points to identify thresholds that the user can easily understand at a glance.

How do I subscribe?

Click here 😉

I cannot believe you scrolled all the way down here.
The audacity. I dig it.

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